28 March 2008

A world without worries.

Seemingly all the major issues of the world are coming to a head (don't they always?): the US is very nearly ready to vote for a new pair of candidates for whom to vote for in November, climate change is apparently shattering one of the few remaining Antarctic ice shelves, Zimbabwe continues its long inexorable march to utter socio-political illegitimacy, the MRSA superbug is beginning to populate Calgary hospitals, credit markets are still evaporating as the US convinces itself that it is in a recession, Indonesian peat bogs vomit CO2 uncontrollably as they offgas while being cultured into palm plantations for "green" biofuel, China still can't do anything about those persistent Tibetan monks flagrantly flouting Communist control, North Korea is testing missiles, Iraq insurgents are refusing Nouri al-Maliki's ultimatum, gold is fooling around at $1000/ounce, oil is breaking all time records...

In this swirling miasma of global crises, at least we still have that bastion of Canadian-ness, those annually recurring weeks of caffeine-induced anticipatory cardiac palpitations, those hedonistic mornings, afternoons, and evenings of coffee and steeped tea in paper cups... yes, ladies and gentlemen, I speak of the Roll up the Rim to Win campaign taking over your local Tim Hortons.

Bernard Delaney is so wound up in the irrefusable contest of wits offered by buying his daily grind from Timmy Ho's that the loss of one holy cupful of rim-rolling glory has caused him to forever sever his Horton-bilical. It's dis-guustin', I tell ya, just dis-guustin'

Was Timmy's cup pre-rolled?
Was Timmy's cup pre-rolled?

Dearest God above, what is this world coming to when you can't get a cup that was left the hell alone by the thieving thumbs of minimum wage?

22 March 2008


Aryan rally provokes clash - Calgary Herald

Huh? In Calgary... Let alone in Canada? (Spluttering while trying to come up with something to say... but left speechless.)

19 March 2008

In Memoriam.

Arthur C. Clarke, visionary and author, died in Colombo, Sri Lanka, yesterday. He had an astonishingly large impact on modern technological society will be sorely missed. He was aged 90.

Jeff Greenwald, Wired Magazine, has this to say: Sundown with Arthur.

17 March 2008

Cells or bugs?

So of what do you think there are more in your body:

Individual cells making up your entire body or microscopic bugs in your digestive tract? By how much does the greater of the two exceed the smaller?


Right for the first two (so far)! There's about 1.5 kg of microorganisms inhabiting your body and they number about 100 trillion, whereas there are about 10 trillion cells that make you. So, bugs literally outnumber us internally 10 to 1! Probiotics here we come...