The times, they are a changin'

On short notice, I left Australia for (possibly) greener pastures in early March. I wasn't yet done my thesis, but I had completed the research and was spending all my working days writing up. The possibility of a most excellent job came up, but I had to be back in Canada to carry on with the application. So, I packed up, said my goodbyes (as best I could) and moved back home. Since then, I've completed my entire thesis to draft stage and it is now awaiting what I hope will be its final revision. Later in May, revisions allowing, I'll print it, bind it, and hand it in remotely. I was reluctant to leave a very good group of people, but it was time.

However, never one to let moss grow on my shoes, I completed all the revisions to my thesis that I had, submitted the new version of my thesis to my supervisors, and three weeks ago took off to visit someone special in England. I do not aspire to a career in academic geology, so spending more time making my thesis into a series of papers would only serve to cause a deep depression. Therefore, while I was waiting for corrections to come through, a trip was in order. The details of this trip are rather decadent, so I apologise to everyone who chooses to read it.

A few days later, we rolled eggs down the drive of a friends' house for Easter, fattened ourselves on chocolate, then got ready for a proper journey to France. We took the train to London St Pancras station, then changed to the Eurostar, which is a highspeed train to Paris. This train goes through the Chunnel, which though you hardly notice it, is an engineering marvel. For 40 minutes we were under the English Channel, which was about the only time I allowed myself to read something while on this trip. I consider it almost a sacrilege to read while travelling... there's something about the constantly changing scenery under an airplane or outside a train that begs to be watched, not ignored. As a result, I work little on long-haul flights, and trains are a write-off during the day. A couple of hours later, we were in the City of Light and navigated the metro system to find our hotel in Le Place de la Nation in east Paris. After a fine three course French meal, we wound our way back to the hotel.
In the next installment: the Eiffel Tower, Louvre, Notre Dame, and Montmartre, followed by the south of France including 4 hours on the TGV, two 11th Century Chateaux, and a Ryanair flight back to England. I leave you with a close up of spring dew on some leaves in the back garden.

I miss the CanAussie....
Need I tell you again - AEROplane
someone special xx
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