The most random that I could possibly be at this point is to show everyone this photo...
This week...
A special someone has directed me to a columnist on the guardian.co.uk website, which is a British news service akin to the BBC, but without the government funding. This columnist is a man named Charlie Brooker and he is the most hilariously cynical columnist I've ever read. He's far more so even than Heather Mallick. Brooker's article last week was called "Is this the end of the world? If so, it's a bit more boring than I'd imagined: an invisible apocalypse." It's about what else... the financial system self destruction. Have a read... you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll hurl. I quote:
"For years, money was just appearing from nowhere, or so we were told. People bought houses and bragged about how the value kept zooming up, and up, and up. In fact, they didn't seem to be houses at all, but magic coin-shitting machines. It was all a dream, a dream..."
there's that random kyle we love to read :)
Yes I should floss more.
Thanks Kyle
I was hoping for at least a groan or two after the pun, but oh well. At least I've encouraged better dental health...
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