31 August 2008

Aussie Rules Footy Tipping

Many of you out there will have participated in a hockey pool or something like it. I've only ever done that once in my life and I did terribly. Shift to Australia and I find out about AFL Footy Tipping Competitions. My flatmate's office runs a tipping comp during the regular season, which just ended this weekend. It turns out that emotionless, conservative tipping by a Canadian in an Australian footy tipping competition can result in a winning combination. I won the competition by 2 points.

If only I knew how to play footy...


At 16:32, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am still shocked that a Canadian scooped the pool in the footy tipping. You know NOTHING about our magnificent game of Aussie Rules....not a cracker!



At 07:54, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this a barefoot version of cow tipping? that adds extra danger with those landmines around!

First cricket, now tipping, next footy!


At 15:37, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ed next is the accent. Kyle says "G'day mate" like a true Aussie now. Still working on it.


At 23:11, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmm corrupt is a little harsh there Ed.

He wears boardies at the beach, eats vegemite like a champion, drives on the correct side of the road now (as we Aussies do), calls cookies biscuits and green peppers capsicum.....the list continues.

My subtle Aussie influence is working wonders even the Canadian accent is slipping away.

Ha ha ha (evil laugh)


At 23:39, Blogger Kyle said...

Darn tootin', I mean strewth!, umm, I mean はい, oh, never mind...


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