19 January 2007

A Movie to See.

I've seen it twice now and I feel even more forceful about it after the second viewing... Everyone who reads this blog needs to see the movie 'An Inconvenient Truth'. It details, in shocking fact and scientific reality, the current state of humanity's affect on Earth's climate.

In particular, it dispells the myth that scientists are undecided about whether or not carbon emissions from human activities contribute to global warming. They do, no uncertainty there. If you haven't seen it by the time I see you next, expect to be asked if you'd like to sit down and watch it.

I'll make greenies out of you lot yet ;-) Now turn off the lights, crank the taps shut, and turn down the thermostat by 2 degrees.

Love you all!


At 19:29, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dang it kyle, it's my toilet and I'll flush it if I want too. It's guys like you that made Mc.D's stop using those delightful styrofoam Big Mac Boxs. At least there's still a country with enough commen sense keep them.... mexico. A country that naps in the middle of the day has the right idea.


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