Bicycle Treaded Upon
So I went FLYING!! this weekend... We did 1.0 h on the Texan again, but this time did stuff like simple stalls, incipient spins, aileron stalls, circuits. Great time, great time, and having a demonstration of a full on aileron stall was really informative. I got taught about this stuff, but thankfully never experienced it in my flying and I've never had it demonstrated before; this was good! Somebody was flying a Cirrus when we got back, and took off behind us after we landed - wealth from Wagga Wagga I'm told. It's the same kind of airplane that the Yankee's pitcher flew into that Manhattan building a few weeks ago.On Sunday, I dropped by the Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne, which is a World Heritage Listed building. Among other things, it served as a two-time federal parliament in the early 1900s. They had an open day to exhibit the space and there were several displays from museums around Victoria, including the Point Cook Aviation Museum (!!), and the Melbourne Horological Society - a group of people joined by a common interest in clocks. The Point Cook Museum is based at the airfield of the same name, which was the birthplace in 1913 of what later became the RAAF. I had a great discussion with one of their volunteers, who happened to be married to an Edmontonian. It's a very small world.
After that, I did some Christmas shopping (I know, I know), then enjoyed the sunshine in the city for a while before hopping the train back to Clayton whereupon I found that some wankers in Clayton had stole the rear wheel off my bike :-(
Well, I guess they needed it more than I did, because it would have been a heck of a lot less work to take the front wheel, what with two bolts attaching it and no extra wiring for the derailer system.
Augggh. On that note, I've booked my flight home!
I get into Calgary on 4 Dec, but I'm first making a stopover in London to visit a friend. Now, this isn't the permanent homeward trip I was originally planning as it would have been too darn difficult to coordinate the suspension of candidature stuff after 15 Nov, hope there were still seats available, then be able to pay for those seats. As it stands, I come back to Aus on 4 Jan and I'll let you know how things stand when I get to that bridge.
In the meantime, the last bit of Japan:
I completed, at least to the limit of my patience, my field work a couple of days before leaving Japan and used the time to package up the rock samples. And also to go for a tour around Hokkaido.

It was a treat to have this kind of drive so accessible, but the downshot was that in stormy weather, the spray from the ocean would coat the car in salt.

Lastly, regarding sweets in Japan: though they are rare, they are quite good. As I had so few while I was there, the ones I did have were much more rich than they normally would have been. Their chocolate is not a sugary as most, but it is good. Most snacks tend to be made with some form of rice and the variety of rice crackers is staggering! But, there are some rather odd concoctions of sweet and I'll leave you guessing thus:

sounds like your having a boat load of fun. We are still having issues finding places to use phones. Think we'll buy a mobile. We miss you lots and hope to talk to you soon. We'll have to plan some sort of get together. Brittany today has been gone for a few hours doing her BFR in the Twin Astir. Great day. We'll have to get you here and go in the Duo Discus. Talk to you soon pal
Bender and Bee
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