09 September 2007

Treble Cone

New Zealand went wonderfully... as if I could have expected anything less. I deeply love NZ and Wanaka was nothing less than spectacular. Yes, the South Island is amazing, but I can safely say that no less so is the North Island. A wonderful and unique place from top to bottom.

My skiing just was not, really, compared to what it was when I was training with Kananaskis, but that's just impetus to get back into it when I can.

(Taken from near the top of Treble Cone looking back on to Lake Wanaka)

As for flying at Omarama (of 'Inverted on Winch' fame), I dropped in on Thursday last week and said hi to Mandy, but they weren't operating yet - they don't start until beginning of October. Gavin was out with the birds taking pictures in his Cub... and they call it work!

Go here!


At 07:21, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That picute is just wrong. Snow up top and lush green down below....


At 11:46, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah how I miss New Zealand. Looks like you had a blast. Sorry that they weren't flying yet, thought they had.


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