08 July 2006

Space Update.

Astronauts Mike Fossum and Piers Sellers are currently enjoying the best view in the world, well above the world, and have just fixed a cable feed system of the mobile transporter base for Canadarm2 on the Z-1 Truss.

The mobile system has been stalled since February because the primary power and data cables were inadvertently cut. The backup cable system was there, but was itself rerouted to protect it from inadvertent cutting. With what is arguably the world's most valuable bolt, the cable cutter on the backup system is now blocked from inadvertent activation, and the cables have been rerouted to follow their design pathway, allowing the mobile transporter base to move freely again.

I'm watching Mike Fossum do his prep work for the next stage of the spacewalk through his helmet cam and I can hardly stop gawking and saying 'wow, oh, wow ... wow'. Wow. Frick, unbelieveable.

Hope everything is going well with everyone. I'm housesitting again out at Tecoma and am enjoying the cool air and tall trees. I'd say more, but I'm pretty speechless at the moment.

Miss you all... K.


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